Orthopedic Infectious Diseases Online Library

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  • Background: Surgical site infection (SSI) is a major complication in spinal instrumentation that is often difficult to treat. The purpose of this study was to identify and determine prognostic indicators for successful treatment of spine instrumentation SSI. Methods: Retrospectively, spine surgery cases were examined on SSI diagnosis. Post-instrumentation SSI patients were categorized as “Successful” if SSI subsided after single debridement. Patients in whom SSI did not subsided and/or required removal of instrumentation were classified as “Challenging”. We investigated the relation of treatment outcomes to patients and treatment factors. Results: A total of 1832 spinal instrumentation cases were recognized with 44 (2.40%) SSI cases. White blood cell count, C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, causative bacteria (i.e., S. Aureus or MRSA), trauma injury, and early-stage antimicrobial agent sensitivity correlated with treatment prognosis. Multivariate analysis highlighted CRP levels and applying early-stage sensitive antibiotics as potential impactful predictive factors for successful treatment. Conclusions: Our results demonstrated that early selection of sensitive antimicrobial agents is critical and emphasizes the potential for early-stage classification methods such as Gram staining. Additionally, S. Aureus and MRSA SSI formed significantly more challenging infections to treat, thus requiring consideration when deciding on instrumentation retention. These factors offer promising aspects for further large-scale studies.

  • Purpose The management of implant-associated surgical site infections (SSI) in patients with posterior instrumentation is challenging. Evidence regarding the most appropriate treatment and the need for removal of implants is equivocal. We sought to evaluate the management and outcome of such patients at our institution. Methods We searched our prospectively documented databases for eligible patients with posterior spinal instrumentation, excluding the cervical spine (January 2008–June 2018). Patient files were reviewed, demographic data and treatment details were recorded. Patient-reported outcome (PRO) was assessed with the Core Outcome Measures Index (COMI) preoperatively and postoperatively at 3 and 12 months. Results A total of 170 patients underwent 210 revisions for 176 SSIs. Two-thirds presented within four weeks (105/176, 59.7%, median 22.5d, 7d–11.1y). The most common pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus (n = 79/210, 37.6%) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (n = 56/210, 26.7%). Debridement and implant retention was performed in 135/210 (64.3%) revisions and partial replacement in 62/210 (29.5%). In 28/176 SSI (15.9%), persistent infection required multiple revisions (≤ 4). Surgery was followed by intravenous and oral antimicrobial treatment (10–12w). In 139/176 SSIs (79%) with ≥ 1y follow-up, infection was cured in 115/139 (82.7%); relapse occurred in 9 (relapse rate: 5.1%). Two patients (1.4%) died. COMI decreased significantly (8.2 ± 1.5 vs. 4.8 ± 2.9, p < 0.0001) over 12 months. 72.7% of patients were (very) satisfied with their care. Conclusion Patients with SSI after posterior (thoraco-)lumbo(-sacral) instrumentation can be successfully treated in most cases with surgical and specific antibiotic treatment. An interdisciplinary approach is recommended. Loose implants should be replaced. In some cases, multiple revisions may be necessary. Patient outcomes were satisfactory.

  • Study Design: Systematic review. Objectives: Postoperative spinal implant infections (PSII) are an increasing challenge in the daily clinical routine. This review summarizes existing knowledge in the field of PSII, including definitions, epidemiology, classifications, risk factors, pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Methods: A systematic review was performed using a structured PubMed analysis, based on the PRISMA criteria. The search terminology was set as: “spinal implant associated infection OR spinal implant infection OR spinal instrumentation infection OR peri spinal implant infection.” PubMed search was limited to the categories randomized controlled trials (RCT), clinical trials, meta-analysis and (systematic) reviews, whereas case reports were excluded. Studies from January 2000 to December 2020 were considered eligible. A total of 572 studies were identified, 82 references included for qualitative synthesis, and 19 for detailed sub analysis (12 meta-analysis, 7 prospective RCT). Results: Structural problems in the field of PSII were revealed, including (1) limited level of evidence in clinical studies (missing prospective RCT, metanalyzes), (2) small patient numbers, (3) missing standardized definitions, (4) heterogeneity in patient groups, and (5) redundancy in cited literature. Conclusion: Evidence-based knowledge about spinal implant-associated infections is lacking. All involved medical fields should come together to define the term PSII and to combine their approaches toward research, training, and patient care.

  • Background: In preparation for surgery, patients being treated with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are recommended to either continue or withhold therapy perioperatively. Some of these drugs have known effects against bone healing, hence the importance of adequately managing them before and after surgery. Objective: We aim to assess the current evidence for managing conventional synthetic and/or biologic DMARDs in the perioperative period for elective spine surgery. Methods: A systematic review of four databases was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. The included manuscripts were methodically scrutinized for quality, postoperative infections, wound healing characteristics, bone fusion rates, and clinical outcomes. Results: Six studies were identified describing the management of conventional synthetic and/or biologic DMARDs. There were 294 DMARD-treated patients described undergoing various spine surgeries such as craniovertebral junction fusions. Three of the studies involved exclusive continuation of DMARDs in the perioperative window; one study involved exclusive discontinuation of DMARDs in the perioperative window; and two studies involved continuation or discontinuation of DMARDs perioperatively. Of patients that continued DMARDs in the perioperative period, 13/50 patients (26.0%) had postoperative surgical site infections or wound dehiscence, 2/19 patients (10.5%) had delayed wound healing, and 32/213 patients (15.0%) had secondary revision surgeries. A fusion rate of 14/19 (73.6%) was described in only one study for patients continuing DMARDs perioperatively. Conclusions: The available published data may suggest a higher risk of wound healing concerns and lower than average bone fusion, although this may be under-reported given the current state of the literature.

Last update from database: 2/11/25, 9:08 PM (UTC)